Philosophy of Complementary And Alternative Medicine - By Naturopathist

 This assessment is aimed at developing student's ability to reflect on their learning and discuss content and share ideas in a professional online environment. The assessment will develop cognitive and critical thinking skills essential for a career in the health profession.

By prescribing this assessment, students will develop their academic writing skills as well as their ability to effectively summarise information. This assessment allows students to broaden their own understanding of each topic through engaging in academic discourse, while developing their skills to engage in formal discussions with their peers.


Students will be required to post on each of the discussion forums as per the topics and timeframes as indicated below.


Holism in relation to naturopathy

In medical practice, holism refers to the treatment of the whole person in terms of mental health, psychological and social factors to provide healing and wellness. Holistic treatment is therefore a comprehensive approach to healthcare focused on treating the body as a whole as opposed to treating specific symptoms of a disease. Naturopathy on the other hand is a type of alternative medicine that provides a holistic approach to healing and wellness. As opposed to medication, naturopathy focuses on promoting a healthy lifestyle. Naturopathy involves several remedies which include dietary advice, nutritional medicine, lifestyle advice and a few physical therapies such as body massage.

According to Pizzorno, Snider, (2015) naturopathy promotes holistic and natural healing as it aims on educating the patient and their significant others to promote good health through boosting body immunity, reducing health risks, minimizing disease symptoms and promoting faster healing. In addition, naturopathy is based on natural remedies such as healthy diet and frequent exercise, access to clean and safe water, sunlight and stress management. Based on my experience in healthcare, assessment by naturopaths focuses on certain aspects of a patient’s health such as dietary habits, environment, lifestyle and history of the disease in the family. A combination of these natural remedies is what provides a holistic approach to health care that is able to provide physical, emotional and psychological health.

Ethical Professional Behavior in Health

Healthcare ethics refer to a set of values, beliefs and standards that guides health professionals in making moral and value-laden choices and decisions in healthcare. Healthcare ethics may be contradictory which requires health workers to think critically on which ethical standard to base their practice on. Some of the most common ethical principles in healthcare include beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice (Hall, Orentlicher, Bobinski, Bagley, & Cohen, 2018). Beneficence is an ethical standard that urges healthcare workers to do what is good irrespective of the situation. Non maleficence is also known as the principle of least harm. As an ethical principle, it urges health workers to opt to actions that cause the least harm to the patient. Justice refers to the common good while autonomy urges health workers to allow patients to make decisions regarding their health.


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