Story of George Washington Cable By Novelists Of America - 2020

George Washington Cable was one of the most notable novelists of America in the late 19th century, his works chiefly comprised of literature based on the topic of racism and the treatment of the coloured people and the mixed races during that period of time. He wrote several articles criticizing the bias that existed in the society based solely on the colour of a person's skin. The story lette in the most realistic manner portrays the racial discrimination that existed in the society("George Washington Cable And Race"). Cable said that he got the idea of the story after seeing the plight of the quadroon and octoroon women in New Orleans they had very little rights and were often unmarried aslaw banned inter-caste marriage("How Madame John;S Got Its Name"). In this story, Madame John is described as a handsome woman. she was a quadroon, he was one quarter black, a part of mixed race which was common in New Orleans. One day she had a Spanish man and a woman at her house and they fell sick of flu and they died leaving their only child. Madame John raised her as her own daughter and gave her a pet name Tite Poulette.

Right from the beginning everyone had doubts about the fact that whether Poulette was actually her daughter or not as Madame John was “ You would hardly have thought of her being "colored." Though fading, she was still of very attractive countenance, fine, rather severe features, nearly straight hair carefully kept, and that vivid black eye so peculiar to her kind"TitePoulette - Full Online Book"). Her daughter Poulette on the other hand was So beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful! White?--white like a water lily! White--like a magnolia!"("TitePoulette - Full Online Book"). The men would praise her beauty and were mesmerized by her beauty, yet no one would dare to ask for her hand from Madame Poulette as she was the daughter of a quadroon or a one quarter black individual (Nagel). There was a fine line between the various races that existed at that time in the society, even there was laws forbidding inter caste or race marriages. Maybe this was one of the reason why Madame Poulette was not married, she was one of the several misfortunes who were shunned by the society because of her mixed racial origins, maybe she was unable to find someone from her caste to marry, and this could be one of the reasons why Madame John kept Poulette hidden from the world and always emphasized on the fact that she was  daughter, Poulette was her only way of enjoying motherhood (Padgett). She was her treasure which she wanted to keep safe and hidden from the world.

The law of the land forbade the white people to marry a coloured woman and vice versa, and due to this reason the prospect of Poulette getting married was very less being the white daughter of a coloured woman ("A Genius In His Way"). She is so devoted to her daughter that she says that she would do anything if a respectable man comes asking for her daughter hand in marriage Oh, my child, my child, to see that I would give my life--I would give my soul! Only you should take me along to be your servantshe just desires to be with her and nothing more. Madame John comforts her daughter when she is sad that no respectable man would ever want her hand in marriage, saying that other gentlemen talks highly of her  'May God defend her,' he said, _cherie_; he said, 'May God defend her, for I see no help for her. ("TitePoulette - Full Online Book").


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